Meetings and minutes
Summary minutes relating to recent meetings of the British Pharmacopoeia Commission and its Expert Advisory Groups, Panels of Experts and Working Parties are provided below.
The summary minutes have been prepared on the basis that no personal, commercial or otherwise confidential information will be included.
British Pharmacopoeia Commission
Expert Advisory Groups
AIM (Anti-Infective Medicines; previously Antibiotics)
BIO (Biological and Biotechnological Products)
HCM (Herbal and Complementary Medicines)
MC1 (Medicinal Chemicals 1)
MC2 (Medicinal Chemicals 2)
MC3 (Medicinal Chemicals 3)
NOM (Nomenclature)
PCY (Pharmacy)
PCN (Pharmacy and Nomenclature)
ULM (Unlicensed Medicines)
Panels of Experts
MIC (Microbiology)
Working Parties
ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products)
AQbD (Analytical Quality by Design)
BIO-DPS (Alternative approached for Documentary and Physical Standards for Biotechnological Products)
DNA (DNA Identification Techniques)